Parental Alienation
Parental Alienation
Though every child should receive the full benefit of two capable, loving parents, a competitive situation can arise during divorce wherein one parent succeeds in vilifying the other to the extent which meets the threshold of Parental Alienation: the child no longer wants to be with you, the alienated parent.
If your child is:
- Hearing the private details of the marriage breakdown,
Being regularly tempted by special activities scheduled to interfere with your parenting time,
Forbidden to bring belongings with them between homes, or
Being made to feel guilty for enjoying time with you,
then a competitive parental relationship has developed.
Why choose us?
Ongoing Parental Alienation has been known to erode the parent-child relationship beyond repair. Fleetwood Family Law can seek court-ordered help for your children. The court may suspend your spouse’s parenting time while the children receive the intensive counseling they need to re-build a balanced, loving relationship with both parents.