Matthew Brandon
About Matthew Brandon
Matthew Brandon has focused exclusively on Family Law in Surrey, British Columbia for more than 12 years, and has become the lawyer that other Surrey divorce lawyers turn to for representation during a divorce.
Yes, even seasoned divorce lawyers will hire a divorce lawyer to represent them when their spousal relationship ends. It’s worth noting that when emotions run high, even Surrey divorce lawyers tend to turn to senior counsel with experience in mediation – and various other settlement negotiation opportunities – that can enhance the preservation of privacy of their marriage and divorce details.
Why Hire Matt Brandon?
It’s most gratifying to Matt when he finds that a new client has been referred by an opposing party who regrets not having hired him. This is the best compliment a divorce lawyer can receive. A client who comes referred from someone who has been on the receiving end truly is recognition not only of talent but of trustworthiness.
Occasionally, staff from various local courthouses will send their family members to him for legal advice after watching Matt litigate a case, and of course this is amongst the best form of validation as well.
Matthew Brandon is recognized among his peers as an honest lawyer who provides sound advice, excellent strategy and great litigation skills – for a reasonable rate. Don’t pay a premium for a downtown firm. Don’t waste your time in traffic. The judge won’t care if your lawyer drives a Bentley, so why should you?
When you are dealing with complicated, extremely emotional family law issues such as divorce, custody, child support, spousal support and property division, you need a lawyer who will understand your position and guide you through the legal process with compassion – and expertise. If you are a victim of parental alienation, don’t delay. It’s of utmost importance that you tackle such serious matters early and with experienced counsel.
The best lawyers are willing to litigate
Matthew Brandon strives to resolve his clients’ matters in an amicable fashion whenever possible, but always maintains the willingness to fight tenaciously when negotiations break down. Matt is a strategic trial lawyer, as well as a seasoned mediation advocate. The best divorce lawyer is always willing to litigate. If you are choosing divorce, you would do well to avoid hiring a lawyer who shies away from arguing your case in the courtroom, particularly when the opposing party is being unreasonable. You never want the opposing party to have the upper hand in your life-altering, high stakes divorce case simply because opposing counsel is more comfortable in the courtroom. Sadly, it’s common for lawyers who are shy of court to capitulate early, or completely fail to advocate effectively due to fear of the courtroom. However, you will want to avoid the lawyer who seeks to drive every matter to court. Generally, court is time consuming and expensive, involving risk of delay. These decisions require experience. Although Matt will not drive a mediatable matter to court, he is happy to be fully engaged in defending his client by laying out clear arguments in court to ensure that their full story is heard.
Matt has served on the Board of Directors for Evans Lake Summer Camp in Squamish, where he met his wife and made many lifelong friendships. He is an active member of the Fleetwood Business Improvement Association, CBA Westminster Family Law Group and the Surrey Bar Association.
Matt received his undergraduate degree in Social Work from the University of Victoria before attending the UBC Faculty of Law. Matthew was called to the bar in 2009.
Cited Cases
- Hiding Corporate Income to Evade Child Support
- Hague Convention Skaalerud v Ubatuba
- Passport, Child Relocation Abroad
- When is it okay to deny Court Ordered Parenting Time?
- When Settlement Funds lose Excluded Status
- Reduction of Spousal Support
Cameron v. Cameron - Child Support from Biological Parent & Step Parent
Guinn v. Descoteau - Test to Determining Date of Separation
G.A.W v. C.M.P. - Test for Special Costs
D.L.S. v. R.S. - Imputing Income to Self-employed Spouse
Dhaliwal v. Dhaliwal - Sole Custody Awarded Due to Spouse’s Pre-Trial Parental Alienation Conduct
D.L.S. v. R.S.
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