
Family Lawyer

What is considered Family debt?

What is considered Family debt?

The following case is valuable as an example of how the court of British Columbia currently treats family debt. We are reminded that interest accrued on debt during the marriage will still be considered family property and thus equally shared by both spouses - even if...

The Child Support Guidelines of BC

The Child Support Guidelines of BC

Parenting can be an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience. But it can also be a financial burden, particularly if you're the one who has to financially support your child. That's where child support comes in - a government-mandated system of financial...

Settlement Negotiation: What You Need to Know

Settlement Negotiation: What You Need to Know

Whenever a dispute arises between two or more parties, settlement negotiation is likely to be involved. Settlement negotiation is the process of resolving a dispute by reaching an agreement between the parties. In order to succeed in settlement negotiation, you need...

Factors to Consider When Considering Custody

Factors to Consider When Considering Custody

Custody is a hard decision to make, and it can be even harder to decide who should have custody of your child. However, by considering the following factors, you can make a more informed decision: How to decide if you want custody Deciding whether or not to pursue...

How does property get divided during a divorce?

How does property get divided during a divorce?

The property of a divorcing couple is generally divided evenly between the two spouses. This includes both marital property (property acquired during the marriage) and separate property (property owned by one spouse before the marriage). However, there are some...

The Truth About Divorce Law

The Truth About Divorce Law

Divorce law in Canada is a complex topic, and there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there. In this article, we will dispel some of the myths about divorce law in Canada, and provide you with the facts. Myth: If you are married, you have to get divorced...

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